All posts by John Upham

John is an English Chess Federation accredited coach and has taught in schools and privately since 2009. John started chess relatively late(!) at the age of twelve following the huge interest in the Spassky-Fischer World Championship match in 1972. John Upham is the founder of British Chess News, staff photographer and the IT Manager. John performed similar roles for British Chess Magazine from 2011 until 2015. John is an English Chess Federation accredited coach and has taught in schools and privately since 2009. John started chess relatively late(!) at the age of twelve following the huge interest in the Spassky-Fischer World Championship match in 1972. John is Membership Secretary of Camberley Chess Club and an ordinary member of Crowthorne and Guildford Chess Clubs. John plays for Hampshire and for 4NCL Crowthorne. John is Secretary of the Hampshire Junior Chess Association and the Berkshire Chess Association and manages the Chess for Schools partnership. He has played in the British Championships and represented Yateley School, Berkshire, Hampshire, Surrey, Guildford Chess Club, CentYMCA, Crowthorne Chess Club and Camberley Chess Clubs. He is an active photographer for with his own gallery. John has both junior and adult learners as private students. John has recently re-launched the Hampshire Junior Chess Association. John has recently started playing for the Crowthorne team in the Four Nations Chess League (4NCL).

Saturday Afternoon Event : Hampshire vs Dorset vs Devon vs Berkshire

Our fourth Saturday Afternoon Event (SAE) will be a rated friendly match with our friends from Devon, Dorset and Berkshire Junior Chess Association.

It will start at 2pm and run until 4pm (but you can leave earlier if you have to) on 10th July 2021

Please make sure you are a member of the Hampshire team ( and then

Please register at if you would like to play.

See you there !

The Twenty Third Lichess Team Battle

The Twenty Third Team Battle on the Lichess Arena will take place on Monday, November 1st starting at 6pm.

Please register at

Please register for this ASAP !

The match starts at 6pm monthly on a Monday night and completes by 7.30pm

Please register (for free) on and then email me (John Upham) at and will get you into the team !

Fifteenth Lichess Team Arena Battle

The Fifteenth Team Battle on the Lichess Arena will take place on Monday, March 1st starting at 6pm.

Please register at

Please register for this ASAP !

The match starts at 6pm monthly on a Monday night and completes by 7.30pm

Please register (for free) on and then email me (John Upham) at and will get you into the team !

Eleventh Lichess Arena Team Battle

The Eleventh Team Battle on the Lichess Arena will take place on Monday, November 2nd starting at 6pm.

Please register at

Please register for this ASAP !

The match starts at 6pm monthly on a Monday night and completes by 7.30pm

Please register (for free) on and then email me (John Upham) at and will get you into the team !

Tenth Lichess Arena Team Battle

The Tenth Team Battle on the Lichess Arena will take place on Monday, October 5th starting at 6pm.

Please register at

Please register for this ASAP !

The match starts at 6pm every other Monday night and completes by 7.30pm

Please register (for free) on and then email me (John Upham) at and will get you into the team !

Seventh Lichess Arena Team Battle

The Seventh Team Battle on the Lichess Arena will take place on Monday, August 3rd starting at 6pm.

Please register at

We retained our place in Division One for the first time and the team’s results have improved each time.

Please register for this ASAP !

The match starts at 6pm every other Monday night and completes by 7.30pm

Please register (for free) on and then email me (John Upham) at and will get you into the team !

Sixth Lichess Arena Team Battle

The Sixth Team Battle on the Lichess Arena will take place on Monday, July 20th starting at 6pm.

Please register for this ASAP !

The HJCA Lichess Team
Hampshire Junior Chess Association is entering junior teams into the online Lichess Arena competitions.

The matches start at 6pm each Monday night and complete by 7.30pm

Please register (for free) on and then email me (John Upham) at and will get you into the team !

Fifth LiChess Arena Team Battle : We are Promoted !

The Hampshire Team played its fifth LiChess Battle on Monday, July 6th and after 90 minutes of hard fought Blitz games emerged in 3rd place out of nine teams.

5th Lichess Arena Team Battle final standings
5th Lichess Arena Team Battle final standings

A late entry was the Warwickshire team so winning was always going to be challenge.

At many points in the match we were lying second.

Here are the best scorers from our team :

Hampshire Team scores
Hampshire Team scores